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Your Higher Self - Daily Tip#7

The whirlwind of shifting emotional states and the sense of gravity pulling us down is intense right now. And it is about to get more intense here on the East cost of the United States of America.

Many of us may have been feeling a cloud of doom settling over our heads for a while now, related to our safety: physical, health, access to healthcare services, mental health, financial, family stressors, job loss or insecurity, quality of life... Wether it has been affecting you for a while, or it is knocking on your doorstep only now, or inducing extreme fears of loss from hearing about and witnessing how tragically this pandemic has affected people all over the world, the grief is now part of our collective consciousness. The unavoidable is happening.

How do we live this?

The answer is in the question. The path through is within you. We will travel through all the parts of our inner-selves, the home of all things only you know about. The map is there, in our honest, vulnerable, naked selves, and we can trust that. We all have the innate ability to rise above fear and pain to get through the most unimaginable atrocities. Even if we do not see the path ahead, despite not having learned how to swim in this pool of mud, the journey itself, holds all the answers. You can do this.

Picture a water stream flowing when you start to fight-flight-freeze. Water may go through many landscapes and transformations, but it stays on task until it finds the ocean, bringing all sorts of elements it encountered along it's way.

Listen. Breath. Contemplate. Stay inside yourself and respond from there. Your higher self is a world in which your body is one with the universe, where it gathers all that you need.

The ARTrelief team

Photo by Filipe Resmini on Unsplashtime - Lapse photography of waterfalls during daytime, the sun rays are shining through trees.

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