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A labor of Love - Daily Tip #9

We are all responding to the impact of our time in relation to where we were standing when this impact changed us. In our own way. There is no better way. An impact crystalizes the landscape for everyone, change is a chemical reaction. People we love and thought we knew, may suddenly be changing. Propelled along this turbulent river, we must learn new ways to swim, and flow.

There has been so much pain, confusion, destruction, loss, absurdities and conflict in the past few months. The derailment is still running its course. There have been many gains to celebrate also, newly empowered voices are being heard, hope and connections are being made. A chemical reaction has momentum.

Not succumbing to the doom and gloom, the cynicism, the attachment to angry thoughts and the exponential anxious scenarios isn't easy. It is a choice we make daily, sometimes hourly or minute by minute. It may feel more like a devotion sometimes. Whether we are feeling the impact of change in a tangible way or not, many of us are feeling drained from the unpredictable nature of this transition phase, and many of us are experiencing compassion fatigue.

If you are like me, you may have had difficulty finding balance and staying centered.

I have been reminded of how much the expressive arts are useful to me, when the world around me is constantly changing and as a result, I struggle to stay open.

We must hang on, for this, is a journey of love. The only high way I know to move forward, is to walk towards light and love.

This life is a labor of love.

In gratitude for the love in and around our community.


Cécile Rêve

The ARTrelief Team

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